Experiencing unfair treatment in the workplace can be a deeply frustrating and emotionally draining experience. Many professionals consider resigning as a last resort to preserve their well-being and dignity.

In this article, we will guide you through crafting a clear, professional resignation letter due to unfair treatment, ensuring your concerns are communicated respectfully and your departure is handled with professionalism.

Understanding unfair treatment in the workplace

Unfair treatment refers to behaviors, actions, or policies that are biased, unequal, or discriminatory, leading to an employee being managed unjustly compared to others.

It often involves violations of labor laws, company policies, or ethical standards.

Unfair treatment can manifest in several ways:

  • Discrimination. It can be based on protected characteristics such as race, gender, age, sexual orientation, religion, or disability. For instance, an employee may be passed over for a promotion because of their gender, despite being more qualified.
  • Harassment. Repeated offensive comments, jokes, or gestures aimed at an individual based on their race, gender, or another protected characteristic.
  • Unequal pay. Two employees performing the same job but receiving different compensation, with one being paid less due to subjective reasons.
  • Unjust disciplinary actions. One employee might receive a warning for being late once, while another habitually late person is not reprimanded.
  • Exclusion. Certain employees may consistently receive preferential treatment, like better work assignments or resources, due to personal connections or biases.
  • Retaliation. When a person faces negative consequences, such as demotion, unfair performance reviews, or termination, after reporting misconduct, harassment, or discrimination in the workplace.
  • Unequal workload. An employer might assign significantly more or less work to an individual based on their background or favoritism, rather than qualifications or capability.
  • Overlooking contributions. Failing to acknowledge or reward an employee's hard work and success while giving credit to others.

When to consider resignation?

Deciding whether to write a resignation letter due to unfair treatment is a complex and emotional process. It often stems from recurring negative experiences that impact both professional growth and personal well-being.

If you’ve reported harassment, unethical behavior, or any kind of toxic culture to HR or management, and no action is taken, this is a clear signal of a deep-rooted problem.

Instead of addressing concerns, some workplaces may retaliate by limiting opportunities, creating hostile conditions, or even pushing employees toward resignation.

Management may assure changes but never follow through. If promises to improve culture or processes remain unfulfilled after multiple attempts, it suggests resistance to change.

Feeling constantly on edge, anxious, or overwhelmed by the work environment can be a sign that the situation is affecting your mental health. If you dread going to work or experience physical symptoms like headaches, insomnia, or panic attacks, it’s a red flag.

When work overtakes your ability to engage in family, friends, or self-care, it might be time to re-evaluate whether staying is worth the personal sacrifices.

Pros of resigning:

  • Leaving a toxic environment can offer immediate relief from anxiety, stress, and burnout, and allow you to prioritize self-care and healing.
  • By resigning, you regain control over your personal time and energy, improving relationships and personal fulfillment.
  • A fresh start in a healthier environment can open doors for career growth, learning, and job satisfaction.
  • Leaving can restore a sense of confidence and empowerment.

Cons of resigning:

  • One of the biggest risks of quitting is the potential loss of income or difficulty finding a new job quickly.
  • Leaving your routine might introduce a period of instability or uncertainty.
  • Frequent job changes can raise concerns for future employers.
  • If you’re under contract, there could be financial penalties or other consequences.

Writing a resignation letter due to unfair treatment

Whether it’s discrimination, harassment, being overlooked for opportunities, or other forms of mistreatment, there comes a time when leaving may feel like the only option.

In such cases, it’s essential to compose an unfair treatment resignation letter that clearly states your reasons while maintaining dignity

1. Introduction: keep it formal and direct

Your resignation letter due to unfair treatment should open with a clear and concise statement that informs your employer of your intention to leave the job.

Dear Mr. Williams,

I am writing to formally announce my resignation from Omega Tech Solutions, effective September 30, 2024.

This sets the tone of the letter and leaves no ambiguity about your decision.

2. State the reason professionally

It’s important to explain that your decision is based on unfair treatment, but do so in a way that remains professional. Avoid sounding overly emotional or accusatory, as this may diminish the strength of your message.

Over the past few months, I have experienced ongoing unfair treatment that has significantly impacted my ability to perform my role effectively. Despite my efforts to resolve these issues through appropriate channels, the situation remains unresolved.

This communicates your reason without engaging in personal attacks.

3. Provide specific instances (optional)

You may choose to briefly mention specific instances of unfair treatment, but be cautious not to go into excessive detail. The purpose of your unfair treatment resignation letter is not to serve as a detailed complaint, but to inform your employer of your decision.

For instance, I have been consistently excluded from key strategy meetings, which directly relate to my position as a marketing manager. Additionally, my concerns regarding wage disparity within my department have been repeatedly dismissed.

Including specific examples can lend credibility to your resignation, but this step is optional based on your comfort level.

4. Acknowledge the positive (if possible)

Even if your experience has been largely negative, it can be helpful to admit any positive aspects of your time at the company. This demonstrates your professionalism and can help preserve relationships for future networking.

While the recent circumstances have been challenging, I am grateful for the opportunity to have worked with a dynamic team.

This section is entirely optional but can help soften the message and maintain professionalism.

5. Offer to assist in transition

As a courtesy, offer to help throughout the transition during your notice period. This shows that you are leaving on professional terms and that you are willing to ensure a smooth handover.

I am happy to help with the transition of my responsibilities during my notice period. Please let me know how I can be of assistance during this time.

This demonstrates your commitment to remaining professional, even in difficult circumstances.

6. Conclusion: express final gratitude

End the resignation letter due to unfair treatment on a polite note, thanking your employer for the experience and wishing the company future success.

Thank you for the opportunities provided during my time at Omega Tech Solutions. I wish the company continued success in the future.


Jane Thompson

Key points to remember:

  • Keep it professional. Resist the urge to vent or express anger.
  • Be concise. Your resignation letter due to unfair treatment should be direct and to the point.
  • Maintain a formal tone. Avoid sounding informal, even if the situation has been stressful.
  • Protect your future. Ensure you don’t burn bridges that could affect future opportunities.
  • Two weeks’ notice. This is the most common and generally expected notice period for most positions.

For more senior or specialized roles, a one-month notice is often preferred or required. This extended period gives more time for a thorough handover and ensures continuity in your responsibilities.

Resignation letter due to unfair treatment examples

Resignation letter due to poor management

Sample resignation letter due to toxic work environment

  • Dear Mr. Davis,

    I am writing to formally resign from my position as Marketing Coordinator at Global Solutions Corp., effective September 20, 2024. This decision has been difficult, but it is necessary due to the persistent issues with the work environment.

    Over the past year, I have encountered several challenges that have made it increasingly clear that the job atmosphere is detrimental to my well-being and professional growth. The constant micromanagement from my direct supervisor, Jane Thompson, has significantly impacted my ability to work effectively.

    Additionally, there has been a pervasive lack of respect and professionalism among certain team members, which has created a hostile atmosphere. I have observed unconstructive feedback and personal attacks during our quarterly team meetings, which have adversely affected team morale and collaboration.

    Despite my efforts to address these issues and seek improvements, it has become increasingly evident that the work environment will not change. I have valued my time working with some wonderful colleagues and contributing to projects such as the successful rebranding of our company’s website. However, the current conditions no longer align with my personal and professional goals.

    I will ensure a smooth transition by finishing my current tasks, including finalizing the marketing materials for the upcoming product launch. I hope this will help minimize any issues during the transition period.

    I appreciate the opportunities I have had at Global Solutions Corp. and wish the company continued success. Thank you for your understanding and support.


    Emily Brown

Resignation letter due to discrimination example

Dear Ms. Lee,

I am writing to resign from my position as Project Manager at Innovative Solutions Ltd., effective September 20, 2024. This decision has been made after careful consideration due to persistent issues of discrimination that have made my work environment untenable.

Over the past several months, I have experienced ongoing discrimination that has impacted my ability to work effectively and feel valued as an employee. Despite my efforts to address these concerns through appropriate channels, the situation has not improved.

Specifically, I have faced instances of discriminatory behavior that have created a hostile work environment. For example, during team meetings, I have been subjected to derogatory comments regarding my ethnic background, which were deeply hurtful. Additionally, I have observed a lack of equal opportunity in promotions and assignments, which has further exacerbated my concerns.

Despite my attempts to address these issues with both my direct supervisor and the HR department, I have seen no meaningful action to rectify the situation. The pervasive nature of these problems has left me feeling undervalued and discriminated against, making it clear that this environment is not conducive to my professional well-being.

I will ensure a smooth transition by completing my current projects and helping in the handover of my responsibilities. I hope this will help reduce any potential disruptions during the transition period.

I appreciate the experiences I have had at Innovative Solutions Ltd., and I hope that future employees will benefit from a more inclusive and supportive work environment. Thank you for your understanding and support during this challenging time.


Alex Martinez

Sample letter to HR about unfair treatment example

  • Dear Ms. Collins,

    I am writing to resign from my position as Sales Associate at Bright Horizons Inc., effective September 20, 2024. This decision comes after considerable reflection and is due to ongoing issues of unfair treatment that have significantly impacted my job satisfaction.

    Over the past six months, I have experienced a series of events. They have led me to conclude that my work environment is no longer conducive to my well-being or career development. Specifically, I have encountered instances of unfair treatment that I believe are both unjust and detrimental.

    Additionally, there have been recurring issues with unequal recognition and reward. For instance, a significant sales achievement I led was publicly credited to another team member, despite my central role in its success. This lack of acknowledgment has been disheartening and has contributed to a growing sense of unfairness.

    Despite my efforts to resolve these concerns through discussions with my direct supervisor and through formal channels within HR, I have seen little progress. The lack of action and continued unfair treatment have made it clear that the work environment at Bright Horizons Inc. does not align with my values and professional goals.

    To ensure a smooth transition, I will complete my current responsibilities and assist in transferring my duties to a successor. I hope this will help minimize any problems during the transition period.

    I appreciate the opportunities I have had at Bright Horizons Inc. and hope that the company will address these issues to foster a more equitable and supportive work environment in the future. Thank you for your understanding.


    Taylor Reed

Resignation letter due to mental harassment example

Dear Ms. Adams,

I am writing to officially resign from my position as Marketing Specialist at NextGen Solutions, effective September 20, 2024. This decision has been prompted by ongoing mental harassment that has created an untenable work environment.

Over the past several months, I have been subjected to a pattern of behavior that has significantly impacted my mental well-being. Despite my efforts to address these issues through appropriate channels, the situation has not improved.

Specifically, I have experienced consistent mental harassment from my direct supervisor, Lisa Grant. This has included frequent belittling comments, unreasonable demands, and a general pattern of dismissive behavior that undermines my contributions and well-being. For instance, during team meetings, I have been publicly criticized in a manner that is not only unconstructive but also deeply demoralizing.

Additionally, the lack of support and acknowledgment of my efforts has further exacerbated my distress. Despite successfully leading several high-profile projects, such as the recent rebranding initiative for our flagship product, my work has been continually undervalued and criticized without constructive feedback.

My attempts to address these concerns with both my supervisor and the HR department have not led to any meaningful resolution. The ongoing nature of this harassment has made it clear that the work environment is not conducive to my mental health or professional development.

To facilitate a smooth transition, I will complete my current projects and assist in the handover of my responsibilities. I hope this will help mitigate any potential disruptions during the transition period.

I appreciate the opportunities I have had at NextGen Solutions and hope that the company will take steps to address these issues to create a more supportive work environment for future employees. Thank you for your understanding.


Jordan Lee

Resignation letter due to unprofessionalism example

  • Dear Ms. Thompson,

    I am writing to formally resign from my position as Project Coordinator at Tech Solutions Inc., effective September 20, 2024. This decision comes after considerable reflection, driven by a persistent pattern of unprofessionalism that has affected my job satisfaction and productivity.

    Over the past year, I have encountered several issues related to unprofessional behavior that have significantly impacted my work experience. One prominent example is the consistent lack of adherence to established procedures and standards. For instance, the recent project meetings have been marked by a disregard for basic meeting protocols. This included agenda setting and timely follow-ups, which has led to confusion and inefficiency.

    There have been instances of unprofessional conduct from some team members, including inappropriate comments and a lack of respect during collaborative efforts. For example, during the last team review, several members openly criticized others' work. The manner was both unconstructive and disrespectful, which undermined team morale and cooperation.

    Despite my efforts to address these concerns through informal and formal channels, including discussions with my supervisor and HR, there has been little improvement. The persistent nature of these issues has made it clear that the work environment at Tech Solutions Inc. does not align with my professional standards or expectations.

    I will complete my current tasks and assist in the handover of my responsibilities. I hope this will help minimize any disruptions during the transition period.

    I appreciate the opportunities I have had at Tech Solutions Inc. and hope the company will work towards fostering a more professional and respectful work environment in the future. Thank you for your understanding.


    Alex Turner


Writing a resignation letter for toxic workplace is never an easy decision, but it is sometimes necessary for your mental and emotional well-being.

By composing a respectful and structured resignation letter, you can exit the situation with dignity while making your reasons clear.

Remember, your career and personal integrity are paramount, and choosing to walk away from an unhealthy environment is often a step toward a brighter future.