Deciding to leave a job is a significant step that can bring a mix of excitement and anxiety.

One of the most challenging aspects of this transition is figuring out what to say when quitting a job.

Whether you're moving on to a new opportunity, seeking a change in career path, or simply looking for a different work environment, the way how you communicate your departure can impact your future.

In this article, we'll explore effective strategies and key phrases to use when resigning, ensuring that you leave on a positive note and maintain your professional reputation.

How to tell your boss you're quitting?

Telling your boss that you're quitting is a delicate conversation that requires tact and professionalism.

Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to handle this talk:

1. Prepare for the dialogue

Choose an appropriate time to speak with your boss, ideally when they are not overly stressed or busy. Schedule a private meeting rather than bringing it up casually.

Make a formal resignation letter to give to your employer after the discussion. This provides a written record of your decision and your intended last working day.

Resignation letter example:

Dear Mr. Brown,

I am writing to formally resign from my position as Senior Marketing Specialist at Procter & Gamble, with my final working day being June 4, 2023.

My tenure at Procter & Gamble has been incredibly rewarding, and I am deeply appreciative of the opportunities for professional growth and development provided to me. The support and guidance from you and the team have been instrumental in my career advancement.

To ensure a smooth transition, I am committed to assisting with the changeover of my duties. I am more than willing to help train my successor and complete any ongoing projects during my remaining time with the company.

Thank you once again for your mentorship and for the valuable experience I have gained. I wish the firm continued success and growth in the future.

Yours sincerely,

Jessica Taylor

2. During the meeting

Try to stay positive when talking. Express appreciation for the experiences you’ve had at the organization.


Thank you for taking the time to meet with me. I want to express how grateful I am for the support I’ve received during my time here.

Clearly and directly tell your boss that you are resigning and provide your last working day. If you feel comfortable, clarify a brief reason for your resigning from a job, but keep it professional.


I’ve accepted a new position that aligns more closely with my work goals.

Offer to help with the transition process to make the handover of your responsibilities as smooth as possible.

3. After the meeting

Hand over your resignation letter to formalize your leave. Once your boss is informed, you may need to notify your colleagues in a professional manner, often through a team meeting or email.

Sample dialogue with your boss:

  • You: "Good morning, Mr. Johnson. Thank you for meeting with me. I wish to quit from my position as Project Manager. My intended last working day will be August 15, 2024."

    Mr. Johnson (Your Boss): "Good morning, Jamie. I am surprised to hear this. May I inquire about the reasons?"

    You: "Certainly. I have accepted a position with GreenLeaf Enterprises that offers greater alignment with my career objectives. This decision was not made lightly, as I have valued my time here and the opportunities provided."

    Mr. Johnson: "I understand. It’s always challenging to see a valued team member leave. What steps can we take to facilitate a seamless changeover?"

    You: "I will focus on completing my current projects, preparing detailed documentation for my responsibilities, and assisting in the training of my successor. Please let me know if there are any additional tasks you would like me to undertake during my notice period."

    Mr. Johnson: "Thank you. Your proactive approach is much appreciated. Is there anything else you need from us as you prepare for your departure?"

    You: "No, I will ensure all tasks are handled appropriately and will communicate if any further assistance is needed. I appreciate the support and guidance I have received during my tenure here."

    Mr. Johnson: "Thank you for your dedication and for informing me in such a professional manner. We will certainly miss your contributions. I wish you all the best in your new role."

    You: "Thank you, Mr. Johnson. I have enjoyed working with you, and I look forward to staying in touch."

How to tell your colleagues you're leaving?

When notifying your workmates that you’re quitting, it’s important to be considerate and professional.

1. Choose the right timing

Ensure your manager or supervisor is aware of you resigning from a job before telling everything to your team. Decide whether you will inform everyone in a meeting, via email, or through another method.

2. Craft your message

Keep your announcement positive, focusing on your appreciation for your time with the team and your reasons for leaving, if appropriate.

Acknowledge the support, collaboration, and experiences you’ve had with your co-workers. If you wish to stay in touch, share your personal contact information or LinkedIn profile.

Sample announcement email:

Subject: Farewell and Thank You

Dear Team,

I hope this message finds you well.

I wanted to personally let you know that I will be leaving my position as Senior Project Manager at Apex Innovations, with my final working day being August 15, 2024.

I have accepted a new role as Director of Operations at GreenLeaf Enterprises, which aligns with my long-term career aspirations. While I am excited about this new opportunity, I will genuinely miss working with such a dedicated and talented team.

I want to express my sincere gratitude for the support, collaboration, and experiences I’ve had during my time here. Working with you all has been both a pleasure and a valuable learning experience.

If you'd like to remain connected, please feel free to write to me at

Thank you all for making my time here so rewarding. I wish you continued success and hope to hear about the great achievements that lie ahead for you.

Warm regards,
Jamie Taylor
Senior Project Manager
Apex Innovations

If you prefer to announce your departure in person, below is how you might approach it.

Sample verbal announcement

  • You: "Hi everyone, I wanted to take a moment to share some news with you. After much consideration, I’ve decided to resign from my position. My last day will be August 15."

    Colleague 1: "Oh, I didn’t know. What’s the reason for the change?"

    You: "I’ve accepted a new position as Director of Operations. It’s a role that offers new challenges. It was a tough decision because I’ve thoroughly enjoyed working with all of you."

    Colleague 2: "We’re going to miss you, Jamie. It’s been great working together."

    You: "Thank you, I’ve really appreciated all the support and camaraderie here. It’s been a fantastic experience. I’ll make sure to complete all my tasks and assist with any handovers needed before I leave."

    Colleague 3: "Will you be around after you quit?"

    You: "You can always connect with me on LinkedIn or email me. I’d love to stay updated on how everyone’s doing."

    Colleague 1: "Best of luck, Jamie. Thanks for letting us know."

    You: "Thank you all for everything. I wish you all continued success."

3. Follow-Up

Lastly, you might consider organizing a small farewell gathering or coffee to say your goodbyes in person.

What to say when quitting a job: examples

As you approach your final day at work, it's essential to communicate your departure in a manner that is both professional and considerate.

Whether your experience at the company has been positive, challenging, or somewhere in between, how you convey your resignation can leave a lasting impression.

Here are some tailored examples for different situations, illustrating how to address your colleagues and express your gratitude or reasons for leaving.

What to say when you quit your loved job

Position: Project Coordinator

Scenario: You have enjoyed your time at the place and will miss your staff and the work environment.

Hello everyone, as you may know, today is my final day. I just stopped by to give my sincere thanks for the amazing journey I've been on here.

Working with such a talented and supportive team has been a highlight of my career. I've learnt so much and enjoyed every aspect of my role. I'm moving on to a new opportunity but will always cherish the time I've spent here.

Please keep in touch - feel free to get in touch with me. Thank you all for everything and I wish you all luck.

Resume examples for a project coordinator:

What to say when leaving a hatred job

Position: Administrative Assistant

Scenario: You have had a hard time at work, but you want to stay professional.

Hi team, I wanted to let you know that today is my last day at GreenView Associates. My time here has been quite challenging, but I appreciate the opportunities I’ve had to grow and learn.

I wish you all the best as you continue with your work. Best of luck with all your future endeavors.

Resume examples for an assistant:

When you are resigning from a job due to pension

Position: Senior Accountant

Scenario: You are retiring and transitioning into a pensioned life.

Dear Team, today marks my retirement from my position as Senior Accountant at Finance Solutions.

It’s been a rewarding career, and I am grateful for the many years of collaboration and friendship. I’ve enjoyed working with all of you and appreciate the support.

I look forward to this next chapter of my life. Please keep in touch—my personal email is Thank you all for everything.

Resume examples for experienced specialists:

What to say when resigning due to changing careers

Position: Marketing Specialist

Scenario: You’re transitioning to a new career path and want to convey your appreciation.

Hey everyone, this is my last day at an agency. I'm embarking on a new career path in web development, which I'm very excited about.

I truly loved working with such a dynamic team and am eternally thankful for the lessons and skills I've gained here. Anyway, if you'd like to catch up, you can connect with me on LinkedIn. Thank you all for the wonderful memories and best wishes for the future.

Resume examples for career-changers:

What to say when quitting a job because of education

Position: Graphic Designer

Scenario: You’re leaving to pursue further education.

So as today is my last day at Pixel Designs, I simply have to say thank you for the fantastic year I've had here. I'm going back to school to study for a degree in Digital Media.

I've enjoyed working with such a creative and supportive group of people. I hope you will connect with me via Facebook. I truly value your time and look forward to hearing about your achievements.

Student resume examples:

What to say when leaving a job to care for a child

Position: HR Manager

Scenario: You are leaving to focus on your family.

Hello everyone, today is my last day as I’m leaving my role to care for my child and be more present with my family.

I’ve really enjoyed working on the Q2 Marketing Campaign with you all. The creativity and dedication of this team have been inspiring, and I’ll miss our collaborative meetings and the shared sense of achievement after each milestone.

Thank you all for your support and friendship.

Resume examples for stay-at-home parents:


Knowing what to say when quitting a job is crucial for leaving on good terms.

Clear communication, gratitude, and a willingness to assist with the transition are key elements in delivering your resignation effectively.

As you embark on your next career chapter, these practices will help ensure that you maintain a strong, positive reputation in your professional network.

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