Receiving a refusal can be disheartening, whether it follows a job application, a project proposal, or any other endeavor where you've invested time and effort. However, how you respond to a rejection email can significantly impact your future opportunities and professional reputation.

Crafting a thoughtful and gracious letter not only demonstrates professionalism but also leaves a positive impression that might open doors for future possibilities.

In this article, we'll explore effective strategies for responding to a rejection email. We'll emphasize the importance of maintaining a positive attitude, seeking constructive feedback, and keeping the lines of communication open.

What is a job rejection email?

"Rejection is more valuable than inaction. All that I have learned until now has been because of rejections. Inaction didn’t teach me a thing."

Neeraj Agnihotri

A rejection email is a formal notification sent by an employer, organization, or individual to inform an applicant that they have not been selected for a job, project, proposal, or other opportunities they applied for.

Typically, a job rejection email includes the following elements:

  • A courteous greeting that sets a respectful tone.
  • A direct but polite statement that the candidate was not selected.
  • Sometimes, a brief explanation of why the decision was made, though this is not always included.
  • Words of encouragement, acknowledging the applicant's effort and potential.
  • An indication of whether the job seeker might be considered for future positions or opportunities.
  • A respectful closing, often wishing the contender success in their future endeavors.

These emails are an important part of professional communication, ensuring that all applicants are informed about their application status.


Subject: Application for Marketing Coordinator

Dear Jane Smith,

Thank you very much for your interest in the Marketing Coordinator position at Promotiva and for taking the time to meet with our team. We appreciate the effort you put into your application and the opportunity to learn more about your skills and experiences.

After careful consideration, we regret to inform you that we have chosen to move forward with another candidate whose experience and qualifications more closely match the requirements for this role.

This decision was not easy, as we were impressed with your background and the potential you would bring to our team. We will keep your resume on file and will reach out should another opportunity arise that aligns with your profile.

We encourage you to apply for future openings for which you qualify. We also wish you the best of luck in your job search and your future career endeavors.

Thank you again for your interest in Promotiva and for the time you invested in the interview process.

Best regards,

John Doe
HR Manager
(555) 123-4567

Why to reply to a rejection email?

Facing rejection is never easy, but how you handle it can make all the difference in your professional journey. While it might be tempting to simply move on after receiving a rejection email, taking the time to write a thoughtful response can have numerous benefits.

"A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty."

Winston Churchill

Below are a few reasons why you should take the time to craft an answer.

1. Courtesy

A polite job rejection email response demonstrates your professionalism and maturity. It shows that you handle disappointments gracefully, which can leave a lasting positive impression on the recipient.

2. Networking opportunities

Maintaining a positive relationship with the person or firm that rejected you can be valuable for future opportunities. They may consider you for other roles or recommend you to colleagues if they were impressed by your gracious comeback.

3. Constructive feedback

Writing a thank you email after rejection provides an opportunity to request feedback. Understanding why you were not selected can offer valuable insights into areas for improvement, helping you refine your skills and approach for future applications.

4. Reputation building

A well-crafted letter can enhance your professional reputation. It shows that you are resilient, respectful, and dedicated to personal growth, qualities that are highly regarded in any professional setting.

5. Future consideration

Expressing continued interest in the organization or field can keep you on their radar for future vacancies. By showing that you remain enthusiastic and open to future possibilities, you increase your chances of being considered when new opportunities arise.

6. Growth

Writing a response encourages self-reflection on the experience, helping you process the rejection constructively. It can be a step towards developing a more resilient mindset, essential for navigating the ups and downs of any career.

How to respond to a rejection email?

Here's how to write a job rejection email response:

1. Acknowledge rejection mercifully

Begin your response to job rejection by confirming the receiving email in a respectful manner. This sets a positive tone from the start.

You can use phrases like:

  • "Thank you for letting me know."
  • "Thank you for updating me on your decision."
  • "I appreciate the update."

2. Express appreciation

State your gratitude for the opportunity to apply and any positive experiences you had during the application process. This shows professionalism and maturity.

Examples include:

  • "I want to thank you for considering my application for [position]."
  • "I appreciate the opportunity to have interviewed with [company]."
  • "Thank you for informing me of your decision."
  • "Thank you for the chance to learn more about [organization] during the interview process."

3. Seek feedback (optional)

If appropriate, politely ask for feedback on why you were not selected. This shows your eagerness to learn and improve for future opportunities.

For instance:

  • "If it's possible, I would greatly appreciate any insights or feedback you could provide regarding my application."
  • "I would value any feedback that could help me improve my candidacy for future opportunities."
  • "Your feedback would be invaluable as I continue to grow in my career."

4. Show interest

If you genuinely remain interested in the occupation, express this in a positive and enthusiastic manner.


  • "I hope our paths cross again in the future."
  • "I look forward to the possibility of working together in the future."
  • "Please keep me in mind for any future openings that align with my skills and experience."
  • "I remain very interested in your company and its mission."

5. Close on a positive note

End your interview rejection email with a polite closing and a thank you.

Like this:

  • "Thank you once again for considering my application. I look forward to potential future opportunities with [organization]."
  • "Best regards and best wishes for continued success at [company]."
  • "Warm regards and thank you for your time and consideration."

6. Review and send

Before sending, proofread your email to ensure it is clear, respectful, and free of errors. This final check ensures you leave a professional impression.

Examples of job rejection email response

Example 1. Thank you email after rejection:

Subject: Re: Application for Software Engineer Position

Dear John Doe,

Thank you for informing me about the outcome of my application for the Software Engineer position at ScholRob. While I am naturally disappointed to learn that I was not selected after the final interview stage, I appreciate the time and effort your team invested in considering my candidacy.

I thoroughly enjoyed the interview process and valued the opportunity to discuss the innovative projects and technologies ScholRob is working on. It was particularly inspiring to learn about your development of the new educational AI platform, which further solidified my interest in contributing to your team.

Given my extensive experience in software engineering, I would be grateful for any feedback you could provide regarding my interview performance or application. Understanding your perspective would be invaluable in helping me identify areas for improvement and refine my approach for future opportunities.

I remain very interested in ScholRob and its mission to revolutionize education through technology. Please keep me in mind for any future openings that align with my skills and experience. I look forward to the possibility of collaborating with your team in the future.

I truly appreciate your consideration of my application and the engaging interview process.

Best regards,

Emily Grasp
(555) 987-6543

Example 2. Response to a job rejection:

Replying to a rejection email 2

Example 3. Reply to rejection email for senior consultant:

Subject: Re: Application for Senior Consultant Position

Dear Hiring Committee,

I appreciate you informing me about the decision regarding my application for the Senior Consultant position at Strategic CoPartners. Although I am disappointed with the outcome, I am thankful for the opportunity to have interviewed with your team.

Transitioning from a legal career to consulting has been an exciting journey for me, and the insights I gained during our discussions were incredibly valuable. I was extremely excited about the initiatives and customer solutions your firm is involved in.

Given my unique background and career shift, I would greatly value any feedback you could offer on my application and interview performance. Your advice would be instrumental in helping me refine my approach and better position myself for future roles in consulting.

Thank you once again for considering my application. I continue to be very interested in CoPartners and its commitment to delivering exceptional consulting services. I hope to have the chance to explore potential opportunities with your firm in the future.

Best regards,

John Smith
(555) 234-5678

Example 4. Job rejection email response:

Responding to job rejection 4

Example 5. Entry-level email after job rejection:

Dear Mr. Johnson,

Thank you for letting me know about the outcome of my application for the Junior Construction Engineer internship at EngineerCo. While I am disappointed not to have been selected, I am grateful for the opportunity to have been considered.

I truly enjoyed learning about EngineerCo's innovative projects and the supportive team culture during the interview process. The experience has only strengthened my desire to contribute to your company.

Given my strong interest in EngineerCo and my ambition to grow in the field of construction engineering, I would like to ask if it would be possible to reapply for the internship next year. Your guidance on how I can improve my application would be invaluable.

Thank you once again for considering my application. I hope to have the opportunity to join your team in the future.


Nola Peace
(555) 345-6789

Example 6. Costumier email after job rejection:

How to respond to a rejection email after interview 6

Example 7. Responding to a rejection letter after an interview:

Subject: Re: Application for Senior Pharmacist Position

Dear Dr. Brown,

I received your letter informing me of your decision regarding the Senior Pharmacist position at CVS. Though I regret not being selected, I truly enjoyed the process of interviewing and the input you provided.

I am grateful for the discussion and the critique of my new method for marking medications. Your insights have been invaluable, and I have since made several improvements to the method.

In fact, I have recently published an article detailing these enhancements in the Journal of Pharmacy Practice. I believe you might find it of interest, as it addresses some of the concerns raised during our interview.

I remain very enthusiastic about the possibility of contributing to CVS in the future. Please keep me in mind for any upcoming positions that align with my expertise.

Thank you once again for your time and consideration.

Best regards,

Kelly Mikles
(555) 567-8901

How not to reply to a rejection email?

Here are some guidelines on what to avoid.

1. Don’t respond with anger

Do not vent your frustration or anger at the decision or the hiring team.


  • "I can't believe you didn't choose me. This is a huge mistake on your part. Your loss."

2. Don’t argue

Don’t question the validity of their decision or try to argue your case further.


3. Don’t demand feedback aggressively

Request feedback politely if you choose to ask for it, but don't demand it.


  • "I need to know exactly why you rejected me."

4. Don’t close the door on future opportunities

Avoid making statements that would prevent future opportunities with the company.


  • "After this experience, I wouldn't want to work for your company anyway. Best of luck finding someone else."

5. Don’t make it personal

Don’t take the rejection personally or make personal attacks.


  • "You clearly don't know talent when you see it."

6. Don’t over-apologize

Beware of excessive self-doubt, which can undermine your professionalism and confidence.


  • "I'm sorry I wasted your time. I guess I'm just not good enough."

7. Don’t ignore the email

Not responding at all can be seen as unprofessional and may close doors for future opportunities.


"In life you'll get 100s of rejections, just you need 1 yes to forget the remaining. So never stop moving on."

Shubhankar Mishra

In conclusion, how you reply to a rejection email can shape your professional reputation.

It's not just about acknowledging disappointment; it's about demonstrating resilience, maintaining a positive relationship with the organization, and seeking constructive feedback for personal growth.

By responding with grace you can turn a setback into a valuable learning opportunity. Embrace each rejection as a chance to refine your skills, strengthen your network, and ultimately move closer to achieving your career goals.

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