Navigating job interviews can be daunting, but being prepared for common questions can significantly boost your confidence and performance.

One such pivotal question often posed by interviewers is, "What motivates you to do a good job?" This inquiry goes beyond assessing your skills and qualifications; it delves into your personal drivers and professional aspirations.

In this article, we will explore strategies to craft a compelling and authentic answer, ensuring you leave a lasting impression and advance one step closer to landing your desired job.

Why do interviewers ask this question?

Inquiring about drive and ambition is a dreaded question in job interviews. This may seem like a simple survey, but it holds great significance for employers.

This query helps them determine several key aspects about you:

Cultural Fit.Your motivations reveal if your values align with the company’s work environment.If you value teamwork and collaboration, you might fit well in a company that emphasizes a cooperative culture.
Work Ethic.Understanding your inspirations sheds light on your work attitude, indicating how engaged and productive you might be.Being motivated by personal achievement and recognition can show you are driven to excel in your tasks.
Long-term Potential.Your response can indicate your potential for growth within the company, aligning with the firm’s goals and offerings.If you are motivated by career advancement opportunities, it suggests you might stay longer.
Reflection.The inquiry assesses your level of self-awareness and ability to reflect on what drives you.Articulating that you are motivated by continuous learning shows that you appreciate your personal and professional development needs.
Alignment with Role Requirements.Your motives help interviewers determine if they match the demands of the role.Being driven by meeting sales targets aligns well with a sales position that requires achieving goals.

Question variations

When asked about motivation in the workplace, there are several variations of the same "what motivates you" question that may arise.

Some common ones include:

  • What drives you to succeed in your work?
  • What inspires you to perform at your best?
  • What factors motivate you to achieve your goals?
  • What keeps you motivated in your job?
  • What influences your work ethic and dedication?*
  • What are your primary motivators at work?
  • What energizes you to go the extra mile?
  • What gives you the most satisfaction?
  • What makes you passionate about your job?
  • What aspects of your occupation keep you engaged and motivated?

All of these inquiries essentially boil down to one thing: What pushes you to do your best? And the answer can vary greatly from person to person.

How to prepare an answer to "What motivates you at work?"

Step 1. Self-Reflection

  • Identify Your Motivators. Think about what genuinely drives you. Is it achieving goals, continuous learning, helping others, solving complex problems, recognition, or something else?
  • Analyze Past Experiences. Reflect on your previous jobs or projects. What aspects excited you the most? What achievements made you feel fulfilled?

Step 2. Align with the Company

  • Research the Company. Find out the company’s values, and mission. What do they emphasize? Teamwork, innovation, customer satisfaction, etc.?
  • Understand the Role. Review the job description and identify key responsibilities. What qualities are they looking for in a candidate?

How to answer what motivates you to do a good job

Here’s how you can structure your response:

  • Share your primary inspirations. Be clear and concise.
  • Use examples from your past work experiences that illustrate what motivates you. This makes your respond more concrete and believable.
  • Show that your motivations align with the job responsibilities and the company’s culture.
  • End with a positive note, expressing your excitement about the role and how you plan to bring your motives to the job.

Do not:

  • Give a generic or rehearsed answer.
  • Use vague statements and forget to include specific examples to support your point.
  • Mention negative motivators like fear of failure or dislike of criticism.
  • Focus excessively on financial rewards or compensation.
  • Make lengthy claims with too many details.

Types of motivation

Look at some examples divided by inspiration type to understand how different drivers can shape individuals' dedication and performance in their roles.

Intrinsic motivation

Definition: Driven by internal rewards and personal satisfaction.

Personal Growth: Motivated by opportunities to learn and improve skills.

I am motivated by personal growth and the satisfaction of mastering new skills. In my previous role, I took on a project that involved learning a programming language. Despite the initial challenges, I successfully implemented the new system, which not only enhanced my technical abilities but also improved our team's efficiency by 30%.

Passion for the Work: Motivated by a genuine interest in the job itself.

I have always been passionate about designing user-friendly interfaces. Seeing users interact seamlessly with the products I design is incredibly fulfilling for me.

Sense of Achievement: Motivated by completing tasks and achieving goals.

I am driven by the satisfaction of seeing a project through from start to finish. Delivering a successful project on time gives a feeling of fulfillment.

Extrinsic motivation

Definition: Driven by external rewards or to avoid negative outcomes.

Praise: Motivated by acknowledgment from peers, supervisors, or the public.

Receiving positive feedback and recognition for my efforts from my colleagues and supervisors is a strong motivator for me. It drives me to maintain high standards in my work.

Career Advancement: Motivated by opportunities for promotion and career growth.

I am motivated by clear career progression opportunities. Knowing that my hard work and dedication can lead to promotions and new challenges keeps me focused and driven.

Social motivation

Definition: Driven by the desire to interact with others and contribute to the community.

Team Collaboration: Motivated by working collaboratively and building a team.

I thrive in a team environment where mutual support is key. Acting together with my colleagues to achieve common goals is very motivating for me.

Helping Others: Motivated by making a positive difference in the lives of strangers.

I am passionate about customer service because I enjoy helping people solve their problems and seeing the positive impact of my work on their satisfaction.

Purpose-driven motivation

Definition: Driven by a sense of purpose or mission.

Company Mission: Motivated by aligning personal values with the company’s mission.

I am deeply motivated by the mission of your company to provide sustainable solutions. Contributing to an organization that prioritizes environmental responsibility aligns with my personal goals.

Social Impact: Motivated by the broader impact of one’s work on society.

I find great motivation in working for organizations that make a positive impact on society. My previous role at a nonprofit organization allowed me to contribute to meaningful social change, which was incredibly rewarding.

What motivates you to work good sample answers

Now, let's explore inspiring reply examples tailored for diverse industries, showcasing how professionals are motivated by different factors in their careers.


What motivates your best on-the-job performance?

I am motivated by the opportunity to innovate and solve complex problems. In my role as a software engineer at Tech Innovators, I thrive on the challenge of developing algorithms and finding efficient solutions to coding issues. The satisfaction of creating something new and valuable drives me to continually learn and improve.

Resume examples:


What motivates you to work hard?

My inspiration comes from witnessing the positive impact my work has on the health of patients. At Mercy Hospital, I find immense satisfaction in seeing patients regain their health and vitality under our care. I recently worked with a patient recovering from surgery who expressed her gratitude for the attentive and compassionate care that significantly accelerated her recovery. This personal connection and knowing that my efforts directly improve patients' lives fuels my desire to provide the highest standard of care every day.

Resume examples:


What motivates you at work?

I excel at designing digital marketing campaigns that genuinely connect with our target audience. I spearheaded a social media initiative where we shared compelling customer stories and interactive content, resulting in a notable boost in brand loyalty. Seeing firsthand how our strategies positively impact consumer behavior and strengthen brand relationships is a source of enthusiasm and dedication for me.

Resume examples:

Financial Services

What is your motivation to work?

I draw my strength from the fact that financial goals are not only met but exceeded. As a Financial Advisor at Wealth Management Inc., I have consistently exceeded my client's investment goals, which has significantly increased client satisfaction and loyalty. The opportunity to earn performance-based bonuses and be recognized for my accomplishments fuels my dedication to providing superior financial advice.

Resume examples:


What drives you at the workplace?

My passion lies in sparking a love for learning and helping students reach their full potential. I find great joy in watching students master challenging concepts and enhance their critical thinking skills. For instance, seeing a student who struggled with algebra finally understand and apply it confidently is incredibly rewarding. The chance to shape young minds and support their academic and personal development drives me to constantly refine my teaching methods.

Resume examples:


Describe things that motivate you.

I relish the challenge of not only meeting but exceeding daily sales goals. For example, during a recent event, I managed to significantly boost revenue by personally engaging with customers and understanding their needs. The competitive atmosphere and acknowledgment for high sales performance drive my commitment to consistently achieve outstanding results.

Resume examples:


What keeps you motivated?

The chance to make a positive impact on underserved communities is what motivates me. In my role at Hope Foundation, leading initiatives that provide education and resources to disadvantaged youth has been incredibly fulfilling. Seeing tangible improvements in their lives and knowing that our efforts contribute to a brighter future for them drives my dedication to nonprofit work.

Resume examples:


What motivates you to perform your job well?

I am driven by the prospect of continuous professional development and career advancement. I excel in roles that push me to dissect intricate business challenges and formulate strategic recommendations. For instance, working on a project to streamline operations not only sharpened my data analysis and management skills but also resulted in a significant efficiency boost for the client.

Resume examples:


What motivates you to do a good job?

I am passionate about creating memorable experiences for guests and exceeding their expectations. As a hotel manager at Beachside Resorts, ensuring that every guest receives exceptional service and enjoys their stay motivates me. The opportunity to build strong relationships with guests and receive feedback on their time spending drives my pursuit of excellence in hospitality.

Resume examples:


What motivates you?

As a production engineer, I take great satisfaction in streamlining production processes to minimize waste and boost output. I recently implemented a new automation system that significantly reduced production time and increased overall efficiency. The potential to innovate and apply new technologies that increase productivity and product quality feeds my commitment to continuous improvement.

Resume examples:


What motivates you to do a great job?

The opportunity to represent clients and achieve favorable outcomes in legal disputes is incredibly rewarding. The challenge of researching complex cases and presenting compelling arguments in court motivates me to excel in my legal practice and deliver positive results for my clients.

Resume examples:

Real Estate

Tell about the things that motivate you.

I take pride in successfully negotiating property deals and consistently exceeding sales quotas. For instance, I recently closed a difficult transaction that met all of the client's requirements and earned a significant commission. The potential for commission-based income and being recognized as a top performer keeps me energized to deliver exceptional service and the best possible results.

Resume examples:

Technology Startup

What motivates you at work?

I am motivated by the mission of leveraging technology to solve real-world problems. The opportunity to contribute to creating solutions that have a meaningful impact on our customers' success motivates me to push boundaries and deliver leading-edge products.

Resume examples:

Environmental Conservation

What drives you to perform your best?

I am passionate about environmental sustainability and preserving natural resources for future generations. Leading initiatives that promote eco-friendly practices and reduce carbon footprints is deeply fulfilling.

Resume examples:


What makes a job fun and motivating for you?

I am driven by the opportunity to entertain and inspire audiences through creative expression. As a filmmaker at Starlight Studios, creating compelling stories that resonate with viewers and evoke emotions is my passion. The ability to connect with audiences on a deep level and receive positive feedback about my work motivates me to continue pushing artistic boundaries.

Resume examples:


In conclusion, how you respond to "What motivates you to do a good job?" can significantly impact your interview success.

By understanding your own motivations—whether they stem from intrinsic satisfaction, a drive for excellence, a passion for impact, or a commitment to growth—and aligning them with the values and goals of the company, you can craft a compelling answer.

Remember to illustrate your motivations with specific examples from your experiences that highlight your dedication and effectiveness.

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